Friday, October 22, 2010

Almost no Dessert

I was given the assignment for Relief Society (I'm a member of the board) to make a dessert in the crock pot for RS homemaking Wednesday night. I have several Gooseberry Patch recipe books that have just slow cooker recipes. Every one of those books have dessert recipes. Again as always I wanted to wow the people I was cooking for so I looked and looked to see what would be the best sounding thing. Most of the recipes that I was thinking of required 3 eggs, oops, we only had 2 eggs and I didn't have the time to go out to get any.

So I looked again and I found a Carmel pie that the only 2 ingredients were 2 cans of condensed milk and 1 Graham Cracker pie crust. I thought that sounds pretty easy, but wait I don't have a pie crust so I will make one. Than I realized that 1 pie probably couldn't feed all of the women that would be coming. What do you do with that problem? Of course make bars instead of a pie---make the crust thinner and longer and place it in a large pan--problem solved.

The recipe said to coat the slow cooker with cooking spray--we didn't have that so I used Crisco. Than it said to cook on low for 4 hours and very 15 mins stir---opps, they didn't tell me to not get any on the sides and to make sure the bottom was being stirred fairly well--what happened? Well pretty much a mess ensued. The sides of the crock pot had a crust of burnt condensed milk on it that took a sharp knife and very hot water to take it off.

In the middle of the recipe I did notice the dark crust and the smell couldn't escape my husbands astute nose. The middle of the pan was good still, I just now couldn't stir any where near the edges, because I knew if I did the burnt part would get into the recipe and than it would ruin the whole recipe. I didn't have enough time to cook up a different recipe.

While the recipe was cooking, I tasted it to see if it tasted like Carmel---nope so I put about 2 Tsp of  Rogers Golden Syrup (a product only found and sold in Canada---similar to corn syrup).

The crust I ended up making was for one pie but I was able to stretch it into a cake pan just fine. I got the recipe from my Red Betty Crocker recipe book. It's one of my most reliable recipe books
Easy Pie Crust
1 1/3 c Wheat flour
1/3 c oil
1/2 tsp salt
2 Tsp water
Mix the 1st 3 ingredients together like any pie crust and than slowly sprinkle the water in as you are stirring. Place in a cake pan and push down evenly. Poke fork all around the crust to make holes. Cook for 4-5 mins at 350 degrees

I was still concerned that the recipe wasn't going to taste enough like Carmel or sweet enough. When the crust came out of the over to cool, I sprinkled a light layer of brown sugar over it to melt. When the Carmel was done I carefully took it out of the slow cooker making sure I didn't have any of the burnt part. I placed the Carmel in the cooled crust.

I had my husband borrow a cup of chocolate chips from my sister-in-law (she lives right around the corner and she is very kind). He came home with more than a cup of chocolate chips, probably 2 cups and a bar of homemade soap.

I sprinkled 1/2 cup of chips on top of the hot Carmel and let them melt. After awhile the chips melted and I took a knife and spread them around the Carmel so it looked kind of like light layer of frosting. I allowed the "bars" to cool on the counter. I placed them in the fridge to get nice and cold. Just before the meeting I asked if Dan wanted to try my recipe he said without any hesitation "yes"---well the recipe past the husband test and my taste test---incredible sweet, sticky and yummy!!! One of my other sister-in-laws came by, as I was getting ready to leave, with some eggs that she bought from the Hutterite's. I told Dan give her some of the dessert and she said it tasted good but she would like it again with a shortbread crust instead.

After the meeting I had some leftovers so I brought some of them to my friend---she liked the crust that I had made, but she doesn't like shortbread.

Lessons learned?
1) have in mind what recipe you are going to use for an event a number of days before
2) Mom's wisdom "don't try a new recipe for the first time for company, just in case it doesn't work"
3) Give yourself enough time for the recipe just in case something goes wrong and you have to make something else
4) When condensed milk is cooked in the crock pot it becomes yummy Carmel---but it can burn and become very difficult to clean up after

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