Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Attack (Healthier version)

 Okay so I really wanted some cookies the other day, but there were things that stood in my way of getting some 1)I'm trying to lose weight, 2) sugar/white flour...So I made some by my standards---in the end I had about 48 cookies that only were 2 points a piece (if you know any thing about weight watchers) 

I made these cookies 2 times within 2 weeks to get my final product that tasted pretty darn good--even Dan liked them and he seems to have a bit of a picker taste than I do some times. My first product I brought to a coupon trading get together--my sister-in-laws seemed to like them--but I wasn't quite satisfied with the first try so I went back to the drawing board and created this last recipe which will stay in the cook book

I again used Betty Crocker as the idea but I changed the recipe quite a bit to make it mine

Betty's Recipe                                                                    My Recipe
3/4c sugar                                                                            1/2c honey
3/4c brown sugar
1c butter                                                                               3/4c butter
1tsp vanilla                                                                            same
1 egg                                                                                    2 egg
2 1/4 c white flour                                                                 1 3/4c wheat flour and 1/2c oat flour
1 tsp baking soda                                                                  same
1/2 tsp salt                                                                            same
1c coarsely chopped nuts                                                    
1 bag (12 oz) semisweet chocolate chips (2 c)                      1/2 bag (1c) semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Cream first 4 ingredients (honey, butter, vanilla, and eggs). Add to mix every thing except chips and mix well. Fold chips into mix. Bake cookies about 7min or until brown

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