Thursday, November 17, 2011

Excellent Fall/Winter Meal

This is one of my most favorite meal so far this winter--it reminded me of my Gram and Mom.
Great comfort food!!

Potatoes, carrots, and all natural sausage.
 These are the potatoes--they're really pretty purple and pink--kind of looks like a tie-dye---when you cut them they are white inside---these potatoes are Purple Vikings
We bought these at the end of the summer from a local farmer--they are so tasty!!! 
Cut up the potatoes and carrots into bite size. Place in a pot with sausage--cover with water and boil until you smell the sausage---oh my this was so good smelling!!
  I'm not sure if this is the steam fogging up my lens or me drooling
Once you smell the sausage than take it out of the water and place it on a grill or frying pan--I used my Grilling Machine
Allow the potatoes and carrots to cook (boil) until tender
 The finished product---boiled veggies with butter, salt and black pepper, grilled sausage, and lettuce salad
 Close up on the veggies  

Does it just make your mouth water? Oh my heck!!!

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